Friday, January 3, 2020

Resolved: Baby Steps

Decided on a few goals:
1) 3,660,000 steps.  Let’s do this!
2) Water.  Still breastfeeding, so I need to stay hydrated.
3) Read 10 books that I already own.  Also read the 10 books recommended by the Washington Post
4) Related - make sure my Kindle still works, since it’s been a while.

Still thinking through the whole managing stress goal.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


I normally make New Years resolutions, but then tend to focus on numbers of books read, etc.  This year, I’m pretty aware that I’m not handling stress well.  Baby - not really, she’s basically a toddler - and the new job and the constant barrages of chaos from the Trump Administration means that I can’t shrug off the minor annoyances of life as easily as I would prefer.

Hard to put that into a SMART goal.  And if I knew how to re-center myself, I’d do it already.