Monday, March 28, 2011

This is why I'm bad about updating

It's because of articles like this one that I'm paranoid about where I update this blog.  A University of Wisconsin professor is being targeted because he wrote a blog post critical of the governor, and an investigation has been launched to determine whether he misappropriated state resources (i.e. his Wisconsin email address) for political reasons.

I'm very glad that my employer (who shall always remain nameless) has a policy in place that specifically reminds employees that they are free to engage in the political process as private citizens, so long as they make it clear that they are espousing the opinions of a private citizen, not the organization.  We're also asked not to use organization resources for these endeavors.  So, I can have an opinion - I just can't use my work computer to share them.  Writing letters to my congressman, lobbying for environmental reforms, updating this blog - all have to be done from the home computer, using the internet access I pay for myself.  (Then again... I'm not even sure if I'm comfortable using the computers in the library (County-owned resources!) to do the same.)  Too many things I want to do, but not enough time between work and bed to actually do them.

Are you sure you want to do that?

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ran a piece comparing Governor Walker in Wisconsin to Governor Daniels in Indiana.

My question is, why would one want to model one of the few functional Rust Belt states after one of the more dysfunctional ones?
On SAT scores, Wisconsin ranks #2.  Indiana ranks #41.
On High School Graduation Rates, Wisconsin ranks #2, Indiana ranks #32
On Percent of adults with a College Degree, Wisconsin ranks #28 (not good), Indiana ranks #41 (really bad)

On Infant Mortality rates, Wisconsin ranks #27, while Indiana is #10 (tied with Oklahoma)
On the Percentage of Adults with Diabetes, Wisconsin ranks #46, Indiana ranks #20.

On the percent of people living under the poverty line, Wisconsin had 10.4% of it's population living in poverty, for Indiana it is 13.1%.
On Median Household income, Wisconsin ranks #21, Indiana ranks #32.

If you are going to model your administration on another state, perhaps it is worthwhile to determine whether the state is worthy of emulation.